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Who is Larry Parrish?

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Home > Judicial Misconduct & Cover up > Who is Larry Parrish?

Who is Larry Parrish?

Parrish, who is a former assistant U.S attorney and federal special prosecutor, is no stranger to high-profile cases. In the late 1970s, he led a team in prosecuting 16 people involved in the production of Deep Throat and other pornographic films. Although some of the indictments were eventually overturned, Parrish earned a reputation as a crusader. Two decades later, as special prosecutor, he worked to bring more than 200 indecency, prostitution, and obscenity indictments against several Memphis topless bars, but those indictments were overturned when the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled it was illegal for a prosecutor to be paid by a private group. (Parrish was given $500,000 by Citizens for Community Values to support his crusade against the topless clubs.)

07/26/2004, 11:52

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