The Hes' Legal Team and Supporters

Lawyers and legal experts

Siegel and Gordon receiving award for their work on AMH case

Lawyers who work to defend Hes' parental rigthts. (more detail to be added): David Siegel
Richard Gordon

Rev. L. LaSimba Gray Jr.

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition of Memphis, led by Dr. Gray, would seek to enter the case as a "friend of the court."

This section is being added. We will contact the other lawyers to ask for their permission to have their information listed in this section.

Related Links (If missing, click on Saved copy link)David Siegel, Richard Gordon honored by Tennessee Bar Association [Saved copy]
Richard Gordon and David Siegel were recently honored for their work in the AMH case [Saved copy]

Site 1 > Hes' Legal Team
David Siegel
David Siegel at press conference after the ruling: "The battle is not over, it has just begun!"
Rev. Dr. L. LaSimba Gray Jr.
President, The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition of Memphis
Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon (right): "I will fight to the end to defend Mrs. He's parental rights"
David Siegel and Richard Gordon Receiving Award for their work on AMH case
David Siegel and Richard Gordon Receiving Award for their work on AMH case.
